Monday, December 31, 2007

history rock

my friend steve and i snowshoed into history rock in hyalite canyon. the road is plowed to the resivour because the ice climbers paid $2000 to have it cleared! history rock is a huge piece of sandstone with names carved into it. see this link:

Monday, December 24, 2007

evil eye

my niece alexa in jan 2006 giving the evil eye!

guiness is good for you!

jes and mark in ireland
fall of 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

no de-claw

good guys

i just saw a bumper sticker that said

be a good guy - make your kitty an IT-y


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


seen on the road to wilsal, montana

Thursday, December 6, 2007


my friend paul once said that eating calamari is like eating o-rings! (because if it is cut in circles, it looks like o-rings!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

bozeman daily chronicle 12/4/07
"A highway sign near Interstate 90 exit 333 in Livingston lies in the ditch Monday, blown over by winds gusting up to 80 mph starting late Sunday and continuing through Monday. The storm system producing the winds, and mountain snow, is expected to move out of the area today. "

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Until I was in my 20s and living in Missoula Montana, I had no use for directions beyond up or down. I grew up in the mountains of southern California and everywhere we wanted to go was based ongoing up a hill or down al hill.

To get anywhere on the mountain, all I had to know was if the place I was going was up or down from where I was. From where I lived on Tollhouse Pass, down would get me to Lake Gregory. Never mind the roads, half the time I just took off cross country, confident in the fact that down would get me to downtown Crestline and the Lake. Up would take me back home and further on to an area known as Skyland with streets named things like Venus, Mercury and Mars.

The biggest down of all was taking Highway 18 down the hill to San Bernardino, Riverside, Disneyland, LA and beyond.