Friday, December 19, 2008

some line i overheard on tv

"you're imation crab meat! you're a fake piece of white shit!"

Friday, December 12, 2008

winter wonderland

High: 38°
Low: 28°

High: 28°
Low: -12°

High: -1°
Low: -6°

High: 9°
Low: 0°

High: 19°
Low: 2°

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

i love. ... creative songs! This totally made my day! Merry Christmas!

I don't know if the links will work!!

The Vandals Oi To The World Lyrics

Haji was a punk just like any other boyAnd he never had no trouble till he started up his Oi bandSafe in the garage or singing in the tubTill Haji went too far and he plugged in at the pub'Twas a cold Christmas eve when Trevor and the skinsPopped in for a pint and to nick a bag of crispsTrevor liked the music but not the UnityHe unwound Haji's turban and he knocked him to his kneesIf God came down on Christmas DayI know exactly what He'd sayHe'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skinsand Oi to the world and everybody wins!"Haji was a bloody mess, he ran out through the crowdhe said "we'll meet again we are bloody yet unbowed"Trevor called his bluff and told him where to meetChristmas day on the roof down at 20 Oxford streetIf God came down on Christmas DayI know exactly what He'd sayHe'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skinsand Oi to the world and everybody wins!"On the roof with the nun chucks Trevor broke a lot of bonesBut Haji had a sword like the guy in Indiana JonesPolice sirens wailing, a bloody dying manHaji was alone and abandoned by his bandTrevor was there fading and still so full of hateWhen the skins left him there and went down the fire escapeOi! Oi!But then Haji saw the north star shining more than everSo he made a tourniquet from his turban saving TrevorThey rappelled down the roof with the rest of the turbanand went back to the pub where they bought each other bourbonIf God came down on Christmas DayI know exactly what He'd sayHe'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skinsand Oi to the world and everybody wins!"If God came down on Christmas DayI know exactly what He'd sayHe'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skinsand Oi to the world and everybody wins!"Oi! Oi!

Monday, December 1, 2008

i love ... getting SPAMMED at work! NOT!!

A Christmas Gift That She Will Be Forever Grateful For!
The Pocket Rocket is a special mini vibe that is a woman's favorite all around the world.
It is small, portable, and discreet yet drives women wild with pleasure.
It's the perfect vibe at home, on the road, and/or in bed with a lover.
It makes a great gift for that special woman in your life.
Or if you are a woman, it can be a gift to yourself that you will be most
grateful for.
And its priced ultra low right now so it is affordable for every one.
So what are you waiting for? Get one now, she will love you for it (or you will enjoy a lot of self-loving :)!
A. Southern
Plentiful Pleasures
244 5th Ave
NY, NY 10021

20 things i wish i knew 20 years ago.... BON JOVI = STILL HOT!

i should have known ...

jon bon jovi is STILL HOT

21 years past 1987!

i used to have a bon jovi poster on the INSIDE of my closet

because little mods like me weren't suppossed to like such a band!

Friday, October 3, 2008


From wisegeek ...


Regular customers of specialty coffee shops such as Starbucks or Joe Muggs often notice that add-ons such as shots of syrup and steamed dairy products can significantly increase the cost of a beverage. A basic tall cup of Americano coffee can easily cost over $5 USD if the customer selects additional shots of espresso and steamed milk, for example. Some savvy, or some may argue cheap, customers exploit a loophole by ordering what is known as a ghetto latte or poor man's latte.
A ghetto latte begins as one of the cheaper selections on the menu, such as a basic Americano espresso with no additional dairy or an iced coffee with no extra water added. The result is a larger size cup with relatively little coffee product. Once the customer receives this less-expensive beverage, he or she proceeds directly to a complimentary condiment bar and stocks up on free half-and-half creamers or pours a large amount of cream or milk directly from a pitcher. This is considered a ghetto latte by frustrated baristas and store managers.
While the act of concocting a ghetto latte is not technically illegal, it could be considered an exploitation of the system. The condiment bar in most coffee shops is designed to provide paying customers with incidental supplies such as sweeteners, creamers and spices. The individual creamers or refrigerated pitchers of half-and-half are not intended to be free alternatives to the dairy add-ons which define a latte beverage.
Some customers seeking to create a ghetto latte actually become offended if the store's supply of free creamers is not available. Others may order a basic cup of iced coffee and request an exceptionally large amount of complimentary cream and crushed ice. Many savvy baristas are aware of the ghetto latte practice, but some feel they have already made a legitimate sale of the original beverage so they have not been cheated personally.
The store itself may lose money from the practice, however, and future customers may have to make up the loss in higher prices if too many customers persist in creating ghetto lattes instead of ordering smaller or more affordable beverages.

Monday, September 29, 2008

i love ... a great sense of humor

This used to be on a Billboard when you came into my town.... I laughed everytime I saw it!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Old and Blind
FOUND by Elie in Ottawa, Canada
I was working for the national census last summer, opening envelopes and scanning forms. There's all kinds of ridiculous objects mailed in to the census, cause lots of folk just don't want to do it. One day I opened an envelope and where there should be a filled-out form, there's just this notecard with "92 years old and blind" written on it-- no name, region or anything. This is what this person felt was most essential to know. I thought it was the most blunt, personnal description I've ever heard, and strangely intimite. It was completely untraceable so I kept it as a reminder of how good life is.

Monday, August 25, 2008

20 things ...importance of change

Its good to learn this all early ... I wish I appreciated all this at 15!

The importance of knowing how to:
change a flat
change your hairstyle
change your mind

Sunday, August 24, 2008

i love ... hiking!

another lovely hike pix...

I hiked up to the top of Bridger Bowl

Monday, August 18, 2008

20 things ... assholes

I wish I knew this when I was 15 ....

Those Assholes you knew in school may be your friends now
But it really doesn't matter because YOU ARE (and always were) BETTER THAN THEM and you know way better people now anyway...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

20 things ... HAIRSPRAY!

I wish I knew when I was 15 that HAIR SPRAY really does kick ass (in small quantities!) The toxic death cloud of AQUANET I sprayed around my head really did hold my hair quite nicely but I know now that a little bit of suave (non-aersol) holds my hair nicely too!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

20 things ... yes I am better than every one else!

AND you would be in shock and awe (not really considering who we are dealing with) over the amount of myspace pages referring to THE FLATS and drinking and smoking pot.....

once again... so glad i was BETTER than EVERYONE else!!!

don't say i don't make this SHIT up!

20 things ... credline ...

one thing i'm still glad that I DID know 20 years ago is: have some standards!

i never dated or slept with a crestline critter.

those who are from there know what i mean and i'm not referring to the humane society.

disclaimer: i didn't say there wasn't a nicmo or two in there....

omg i googled crestline critter and came up with some fuckers web site. i'll let you find it on your own if you want but the fucker who's my space it is used to bark at me in the hall ways at school and tell me he thought i was a dog!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

20 things ...

i really was (and am) better than everyone else!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

20 things ... my parents listened to folk SO WHAT

I always thought my parents were kinda dorky to listen to 60s and 70's folk til now I listen to it and so do all my friends and their parents!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

20 things ... depress mode

So, if you spend your days listening incessnetly to depeche mode, you will still know most of the lyrics 2o YEARS LATER!

20 things... MAKEUP ...

So who knew that I'd be wearing more or less the same makeup I always have .... NO I DON'T WEAR BRIGHT EYESHADOW like i did in 1988! BUT...

Maybelline Mascara is and has been my go to choice for over 20 years. What can I say ... It works! It's cheep, it doens't clump, it stays put, I can find it at the local supermarket.....!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

20 things i wish i knew 20 years ago

so, when you get to be 35 or so, you start to realize that you can REMEMBER things that you did 20 years ago. So here's to a blast from the past !

Friday, June 6, 2008

this is long but kinda funny from bozeman daily chroncile on 6/6/08

HD 63 candidate criticizes toilet rebate program
By AMANDA RICKER Chronicle Staff Writer
A local candidate for the Montana Legislature says a Bozeman rebate program encouraging homeowners to switch to more water-efficient toilets is flushing taxpayers’ money down the drain.
Tom Burnett, the Republican candidate for House District 63, is circulating a flier about the program titled, “Toilet Trade-out Silliness.”“The Greater Gallatin Toilet Trade-out deserves scrutiny,” the flier states. “It won’t save water and it costs taxpayers serious money. Taxpayers are not flush.”The city of Bozeman offers $75 rebates to city water users who replace an old toilet with a newer, low-flush model. The program, dubbed the Greater Gallatin Toilet Tradeout, is aimed at encouraging water conservation, and was organized by the city, area businesses, private citizens and Burnett’s opponent in HD 63, Democratic incumbent Rep., J.P. Pomnichowski, D-Bozeman.Kent Madin, who spearheaded the toilet trade-out, said the program doesn’t provide huge savings, but it does provide real savings that will increase as the cost of water inevitably rises.

“(Burnett) is attacking water conservation,” Madin said. “Is apple pie next?”Burnett said whether a person flushes 1.2, or 3.5 or 7 gallons of water, the same amount of water will always exist in the Gallatin Valley’s aquifers. When water is flushed, it is treated, returned to the water basin and reused.“There’s really no environmental benefit,” Burnett said. “It’s all an economic question.”By flushing less water, the only thing that can be saved is money, he said. And the city’s rebate program costs taxpayers more than it’s saving them.“When you do your own household budget of this, your wife wouldn’t let you do it,” Burnett said. “It’s just kind of hard to justify.”Brian Heaston, a city engineer who organized the rebate program, said that as of last week the city had received 212 rebate applications. Money for the rebates comes from water department revenues.At $75 each, those rebates are expected to cost the city $15,900. Additional applications continue to be submitted.The toilets replaced are expected to save the city about $5 a day in wastewater treatment costs, by sparing 5,500 gallons of water from going to the city’s wastewater treatment plant each day.That’s assuming that each of the 212 rebates represents a 3.5 gallon-per-flush toilet that’s been replaced with a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-certified 1.28 gallon-per-flush one, Heaston said.Based on an average single-family home, with 2.3 people each flushing 5.1 times a day, the new toilet would save 26 gallons a day.“That’s a drop in the proverbial bucket,” Burnett said, adding that he suspects many of the rebates, which he believes should be referred to as “subsidies,” went to wealthier citizens who didn’t need them.Burnett also said the city’s treatment plant hardly misses the water that homeowners who switched didn’t send down the drain. The 5,500 gallons kept out of the system by the new toilets are nothing compared to the 4.5 million gallons the treatment plant processes every day.The cost of treating 4.5 million gallons a day is about $900 per million gallons, or $4,050 a day, Heaston said.The city budgeted $50,000 this fiscal year for water conservation, such as advertising for and funding the toilet rebates, Heaston said. One city employee spends about five hours a week overseeing the program.City Commissioner Sean Becker called Burnett’s criticism of the city rebate program “ridiculous.”“It’s inconceivable for me to believe that using a quarter less water doesn’t save water,” he said. “That’s less water that the city has to draw from its creeks and its aquifers. That’s less water that has to be treated. That’s less infrastructure that has to be built.”Becker said the toilet trade-out and city rebate program are designed to make people more conscious of how much water they use. Hopefully, they’ll also think about conserving water when washing dishes, taking a shower and brushing their teeth.Though the city has only received rebate applications for 212 toilets replaced, more than 850 high-efficiency toilets were bought through the Greater Gallatin Toilet Trade-out, Heaston said.Pomnichowski fought for water conservation measures in the 2007 legislative session. She said the Gallatin Valley’s water supply is stretched thin by users. The basin has about 1.2 million acre feet of water in it each year and people are using about 1.19 million acre feet each year.“We can conserve water and we should,” she said. “The less water we have to treat, the more we have available for other beneficial uses.”

Monday, May 26, 2008

the great TOILET change out!

The city of Bozeman gave folks a $75 rebate if they installed a super low flow ter-let .... So we got a new pisser... and their stipulation was YOU HAVE TO TAKE A BEFORE AND AFTER PIC!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

found a bush

take a look at for more gems like this!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

B.L.O.T ...

A friend of mine is always going off about the Ubiquitous Black Labs in Bozeman and always says BLACK LAB ON TOAST would make a good meal! Then I read:

Sometimes I Feel Like the Boss Has Finally Lost It


Office worker: So then he launches into this big spiel about how black dogs taste better than white dogs.

Santa Monica BoulevardLos Angeles, CaliforniaOverheard by: matt

slammed i am

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

the upstairs if FINALLY DONE at my house!

mark and i did all the work except carpet and tape and texture of the drywall .... mark built the bed from 3 different (free!) water bed frames.

Monday, May 5, 2008

i love ... everything!

i am interested in almost everything! i like hiking, drinking beer, drinking coffee, drinking wine, playing cards, snowshoeing, running, participating in races, walks, reading, working in the yard, driving my jeep, watching, cooking, surfing the internet, playing with other peoples dogs, etc.... i'm not too into sports but i have been inticed onto a softball league or two in my time!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


CARLUST! my 16 year old friend steven is driving his dad's old 1965 mustang! okay, thats just trouble! who here has kissed a boy (or a girl!) in the back seat of a mustang! lol!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

i love Maxey Cabin

this is the view from maxey cabin last summer. it is so beautiful! this is about 45 minutes from my house.

Monday, March 3, 2008


omg, totally busting a gut! i need to get back to work!


haha. sarcasm at its finest. a sample:

"There is no doubt that white people love coffee. Yes, it’s true that asians like iced coffee and people of all races enjoy it. But I promise you that the first person at your school to drink coffee was a white person. You could kind of tell they didn’t enjoy it, but they did it anyways until they liked it - like cigarettes.
White people all need Starbucks, Second Cup or Coffee Bean. They are also fond of saying “you do NOT want to see me before I get my morning coffee.” White guys will also call it anything but coffee: “rocket fuel,” “java,” “joe,” “black gold,” and so forth. It’s pretty garbage all around.
If you want to go for extra points - white people really love FAIR TRADE coffee, because paying the extra $2 means they are making a difference."

Sunday, March 2, 2008

bangs me

i decided it was a good idea

to cut bangs into my hair. so

the are down here but ... lets

guess, are they pinned up today?

hmmm? YES! PS i looove my shirt!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

july 1989 maxamillian garden mexico

jo, julie, willie, jes .... almost 20 years ago on vacation in mexico at maximillan garden

Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy V-D

err, happy valentines day! here are some ways to be romantic.... follow link below for all of them!

Cook a romantic dinner.
Pack a sunset picnic.
Snuggle together on a rainy day.
Leave little love notes everywhere.
Take a moonlit walk on the beach.
Get good wine, watch shooting stars.
Fix something or fix up the house just to make your partner happy.
Sing a favorite song to him or her. Only do this if you can sing fairly well.
Hold hands, and walk somewhere with lots of pretty lights.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

i love ... to do new things every day

this girl started a blog where she does something NEW every day. it is pretty interesting

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I love Levis! I have never had a pair look bad on me.

Since my first pair of shrink to fits in 6th grade, I've had
homemade bleach splashed pairs (!) in junior high
straight legs pegged tight in highschool
cut offs in dirty dancing style
my husbands comfortable old pairs
always flattering boot cuts
capri straight legs
and more!

Monday, January 28, 2008


we made a gigantic paper mache soup bowl and spoon for a promo for this fundraiser! this is how to make something really bizzare for almost free!
Soup's On! - 2/15/08

The Pilgrim Congregational Church and the Gallatin Valley Food Bank are teaming up to host the13th Annual 'Soup's On' Fundraiser for the Food Bank.
Please join us for this tasy event, February 15, 2008 from 5-7:30pm at the Pilgrim Congregational Church at 2118 South 3rd Avenue in Bozeman.
Tickets entitle you to a bountiful soup and bread buffet donated by local restaurants. Soups will be served in hand-made pottery bowls donated by local artists and are yours to keep!