Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i love...cars!

CARLUST! my 16 year old friend steven is driving his dad's old 1965 mustang! okay, thats just trouble! who here has kissed a boy (or a girl!) in the back seat of a mustang! lol!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

i love Maxey Cabin

this is the view from maxey cabin last summer. it is so beautiful! this is about 45 minutes from my house.

Monday, March 3, 2008



omg, totally busting a gut! i need to get back to work!



haha. sarcasm at its finest. a sample:

"There is no doubt that white people love coffee. Yes, it’s true that asians like iced coffee and people of all races enjoy it. But I promise you that the first person at your school to drink coffee was a white person. You could kind of tell they didn’t enjoy it, but they did it anyways until they liked it - like cigarettes.
White people all need Starbucks, Second Cup or Coffee Bean. They are also fond of saying “you do NOT want to see me before I get my morning coffee.” White guys will also call it anything but coffee: “rocket fuel,” “java,” “joe,” “black gold,” and so forth. It’s pretty garbage all around.
If you want to go for extra points - white people really love FAIR TRADE coffee, because paying the extra $2 means they are making a difference."

Sunday, March 2, 2008

bangs me

i decided it was a good idea

to cut bangs into my hair. so

the are down here but ... lets

guess, are they pinned up today?

hmmm? YES! PS i looove my shirt!