Tuesday, July 29, 2008

20 things ... yes I am better than every one else!

AND you would be in shock and awe (not really considering who we are dealing with) over the amount of myspace pages referring to THE FLATS and drinking and smoking pot.....

once again... so glad i was BETTER than EVERYONE else!!!

don't say i don't make this SHIT up!


20 things ... credline ...

one thing i'm still glad that I DID know 20 years ago is: have some standards!

i never dated or slept with a crestline critter.

those who are from there know what i mean and i'm not referring to the humane society.

disclaimer: i didn't say there wasn't a nicmo or two in there....

omg i googled crestline critter and came up with some fuckers web site. i'll let you find it on your own if you want but the fucker who's my space it is used to bark at me in the hall ways at school and tell me he thought i was a dog!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

20 things ...

i really was (and am) better than everyone else!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

20 things ... my parents listened to folk SO WHAT

I always thought my parents were kinda dorky to listen to 60s and 70's folk til now I listen to it and so do all my friends and their parents!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

20 things ... depress mode

So, if you spend your days listening incessnetly to depeche mode, you will still know most of the lyrics 2o YEARS LATER!

20 things... MAKEUP ...

So who knew that I'd be wearing more or less the same makeup I always have .... NO I DON'T WEAR BRIGHT EYESHADOW like i did in 1988! BUT...

Maybelline Mascara is and has been my go to choice for over 20 years. What can I say ... It works! It's cheep, it doens't clump, it stays put, I can find it at the local supermarket.....!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

20 things i wish i knew 20 years ago

so, when you get to be 35 or so, you start to realize that you can REMEMBER things that you did 20 years ago. So here's to a blast from the past !