Friday, July 10, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

all top no root plus all root!

maybe this is what happens when a raddish hits rocky soil? it is all top and no raddish. however, i had another raddish that was so big it had turned woody


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

the yard!

the rain hammered my plot!

whats a weed and whats a seed?!

oh crap!

i think the tiny ones are weeds!

okay they posted here!

those cheep bastards in the front are doing great!

my sister jo gave me the glow ball. it glows at night (duh) but it has to compete with the neighbors million lights! lol! they are beautiful!

guido and the catnip part 3

so like dude, ya got any munchies?

guido and the catnip part 2

okay dude, i warned you!

guido and the catnip part 1

Guido and Pils are sniffing at the catnip and Guido decides to EAT it!

Friday, May 29, 2009

the yard is looking great!

the flowering crab has flowered but behind it is a honeysuckle that is getting ready to bloom. the bright pink stuff is phlox.

could my neck get any redder?

okay, the antenna isn't REALLY set up outside like this... it is just stored here so we can put it on the roof this weekend. we bought the trailer on craigs list. the dirt hole... well we're working on that too!

i bought a few herbs to get things started



chocolate mint!

my seeds are starting to sprout too

so which ones are the weeds?!

i gave my self hi lights...

they rock! here is the process. gotta love the mug shot before pic!