Friday, May 29, 2009

the yard is looking great!

the flowering crab has flowered but behind it is a honeysuckle that is getting ready to bloom. the bright pink stuff is phlox.

could my neck get any redder?

okay, the antenna isn't REALLY set up outside like this... it is just stored here so we can put it on the roof this weekend. we bought the trailer on craigs list. the dirt hole... well we're working on that too!

i bought a few herbs to get things started



chocolate mint!

my seeds are starting to sprout too

so which ones are the weeds?!

i gave my self hi lights...

they rock! here is the process. gotta love the mug shot before pic!

Monday, May 18, 2009


we went on a ride out towards morgan cemetary and found this lonely old house and other structures...

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I also planted herbs in the herb pots!

cheap bastard flowers...

The front beds are full of johnny jump ups, a form of pansy, also known as cheap bastard flowers. They just grow back no matter what you do to them, kinda like weeds, but they are beautiful! I planted them last summer and they survived a million months of snow to come back. The rest of the front beds are seeded with all sorts of pretty things! Photos are to follow

I planted some stuff today!

I know it is early but I can't help my self! I planted some stuff today! Now I just have to keep the cats OUT of the fresh dirt so the seeds can GROW! View the mentioned cat GUIDO rolling around in the GREAT DIRT HOLE! It is part of our patio and used to have big slabs of stone in it but it has been a gape-ing dirt hole for a year now!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

the swings are GONE!

Those cheap bastards!

So is the city of Butte, Montana being cheap or concerned or what?! WHERE ARE THE SWINGS?! Because poles on chains are just so much fun!

first strawberry flower!

i can grow weeds today

i can grow weeds today!

herbs too

I'm gonna plant some herbs too:


I have catnip and mint comming back in the yard too!

I have a pot of basil growing on my kitchen window sill.

Savings of the day

Mark and I just changed our insurance (home and auto) to another carrier and - I'm not making this up! - saved over $600 a year! I'm not gonna whore the companys name but oh what the hell, we switched to State Farm and our new agent is from the South and she is cute and funny! (and competent!) Our old agent at AAA retired anyway so we just talked to who ever was available. My folks have been with State Farm forever, so I should have known!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Garden Update 5/9/09

It's my birthday! Its going to be 50 today! Hurrah! You can tell I'm a Montanan, who else gets excited over 50 degree weather?!

The general rule around here is to wait until Memorial Day to plant a garden. But the other rule is that it always rains on Memorial Day. So!

I am waiting to plant my seeds but the plots are turned and ready to go. Of course, they are already sprouting grass! I plan to plant a lot of stuff:

Tomatoes (not from seed!)
Lima beans

My friend Dana has an internship at a CSA, here in Bozeman. She told me that they planted artichokes!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

something is growing!

i planted some onions and they are starting to sprout!


The crab apple tree is waking up. Guido is admiring the catnip!

the two garden plots are tilled and raked smooth

the two garden plots, north and south, are tilled and raked smooth. They're awaiting plants, but alas, it is still too cold to plant anything.....

Monday, May 4, 2009

if its not scottish, ITS CRAP!

One day, I noticed my dad was driving his tractor over tree bark to make his own multch for the yard. I remembered the joke about a cheap scotsman ...

Q.Who invented the copper wire?
A. Two Scots fighting over a penny