Friday, November 30, 2007

boise pe-ness

My sister in Boisie just told me about this! - jes

"Home » BW Beat » BW Beat
JULY 31, 2007 10:53 am Simplot Hill "Art"BY

Does somebody have a beef with the Simplots?
Or maybe they're upset at Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter?
Either way, their anger, expressed in unique graffiti on the giant grassy hill of the governor's mansion,
formerly the Simplot mansion, is at least misplaced, however, um, pointed it is.
The Simplot mansion's new flair.Shea Andersen
It's pretty hard to miss if you're cruising up Bogus Basin Road. If you squint closely at the photo here, you'll see that, yes, someone used grass killing chemicals of some sort to outline the shape of a giant male phallus, pointed up, on the grass of Simplot hill.
Neither Simplot nor Otter live in the house, which was
donated to the state by the potato magnate last year.
There's no telling when the perpetrator did the deed. But Mark Reed, the manager of
Zamzows on Federal Way, said the common yard herbicide Roundup would have done the trick pretty handily.
"It pretty much kills anything, especially when the heat is on it," Reed said. "When it's 100 degrees, it would take it down pretty quick." If the perpetrator used a backpack sprayer, Reed said, the job would be pretty easy.
Update: It's still there, and stories following the BW scoop have since appeared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, KTVB Channel 7 and, our favorite, on the
Wonkette blog."

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